Patient Rights And Responsibilities
Our patients’ comfort and recovery are at the heart of our priorities. We value our patient rights and responsibilities explained in detail below.
- To know the mission statement of our health care facility and type of service that we provide.
- To receive verbal and written information about any proposed treatment plan and to be told if there are any alternatives available
- To receive detailed explanation of their condition, care and treatment, in terms that are free from professional jargon in order that the patient can fully understand
- To access their Medical Record and Medical Information
- To informed consent
- To receive relevant, current and understandable information concerning their drugs and treatment In decision making about their drugs and treatment choices
- To discuss and request information related to their specific drug therapy, possible adverse side effects and drug interactions.
- To have the right to receive treatment without discrimination of any kind.
- To receive healthcare on the basis of clinical need
- To be referred to Specialist/Consultant for Specialist care when there is a clinical need.
- To a second opinion or to have their care transferred to another physician if they are not satisfied with the care or opinion provided.
- To receive emergency medical care and treatment quickly
- To have drug therapy monitored for safety and efficacy and to make reasonable efforts to detect and prevent drug allergies, adverse reactions or contraindications
- To be treated with dignity and respect, consistent with Professional standards for all patients regardless of manner of payment, race, sex, nationality, religion, culture, personal values and beliefs
- To privacy during examination, procedures, clinical care / treatment; and they have to right to know who is in attendance and the purpose of those in attendance on them.
- To be protected from physical assault during their visit/ stay in the health care facility
- To appropriate protection if they are children, disabled, elderly or vulnerable.
- To be provided with appropriate assessment and management of pain through well-known therapies and with all necessary information in this regard
- To have any complaint that they may make, acknowledged, fully investigated, and be provided with a written response as per the facility policy
- To care at the end of their life which is respectful and compassionate
- To follow the rules and regulations of the Hala Health Care Company.
- Provide all personal and family health information need to provide you with appropriate care.
- Follow the information given by staff members regarding hand hygiene and use of personal protective equipment
- Let us know if you do not understand the information we give you about your condition or treatment.
- Apply for a transfer of care to another physician, caregiver or facility, if so desired.
- Show respect and consideration of others receiving and providing care.
- To inform the therapy care service or reschedule 24 hours prior the services.
- Not use abusive language and/or display unsocial behavior to other patients, visitors or staff.
- Should give accurate information about personal details and past medical history as well as to inform the medical staff of any treatments and medications that they are taking and history of allergic reaction to any medication
- Be accountable for their own actions if they decide not to follow the health care provider instructions and/or treatment plan and recommendations
- To tell your healthcare provider of any change in your health.
- Participate to the best of your ability in making decisions about your medical treatment, to follow instructions and to comply with the agreed upon plan of care
- Speak up if you have questions or concerns. If you still don’t understand, ask again. It’s your body and you have a right to know
- Pay attention to the care you get. Always make sure you’re getting the right treatments and medicines by the right health care professionals. Don’t assume anything.
- Educate yourself about your illness. Learn about the medical tests you get, and your treatment plan.
- Ask a trusted family member or friend to be your advocate (advisor or supporter).
- Know what medicines you take and why you take them. Medicine errors are the most common health care mistakes.
- Use a hospital, clinic, surgery center, or other type of health care organization that has been carefully checked out. For example, The Joint Commission visits hospitals to see if they are meeting The Joint Commission’s quality standards. Participate in all decisions about your treatment. You are the center of the health care team.